As a unique multi-site parish, OLHC functions on several levels of leadership. Each site has its own local council that is resposible for the upkeep of the site which includes maintnance, social, and spiritual needs. The parish leadership at large consists of the Parish Staff, Parish Pastoral Council, and Finance Council.
Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is the main advisory body of the parish. PPC assists the Pastor and Pastoral Staff in making decisions regarding the temporal and spiritual goods of the parish. PPC is composed of representatives from all worship sites as well as members elected at large.
John Zambo - Chair
Julie Karakaian - Secretary
Eric Pryor - Lodi rep.
Lois Kinter - Nova rep.
Mikey Hamey - Litchfield rep.
Marol Taylor - Seville rep.
Jeff Williams
Ceil Lakotish - Vice Chair
Eric Hauser
Kathy Duncan
Irene Gehring
Pat Doyle
Jackie Vigneault
Sandy Lynn - ex officio
Fr. Ed Suszynski - ex officio
Dc. Mike Jervis - ex officio
Lisa Belza - ex officio
The Finance Council participates in planning, evaluating and managing the financial matters of the parish. This includes preparing and presenting an annual budget for the parish. The Council aids in goal setting and studying parish revenues to make recommendations to the Pastor for maintaining or increasing revenues to meet parish objectives and priorities. The Council aids in developing a personnel policy for all employees, including contracts, job classification and salary administration. The Council makes recommendations to the Pastor regarding maintaining parish accounts, relationships with banking institutions, investment strategy and the like. Lastly, the council also aids in reporting the budget and other financial matters to the diocese.
Meetings are usually held approximately 5 times a year; consult the parish calendar for specific times and dates.
Joe Swinko - chair
William Thorne
Jim Aylsworth
Pat Dawson
Anita Martin
Ben Baranovic
Litchfield Council Members
- Chairperson
- Secretary
- Budget Coordinator
- Maintenance
- Social Coordinator
- PPC Representative.
*this council is currently discerning roles
Lodi Council Members:
Joseph Pickett - Chairperson
Susanne Iacobucci - Secretary
Lydia Urban - Budget Coordinator
Tom Gehring - Maintenance
Kathy Ploskonka - Social Coordinator
Eric Pryor - PPC Representative
Seville Council Members
- Chairperson
- Secretary
- Budget Coordinator
George Kleman - Maintenance
- Social Coordinator
- PPC Representative
*this council is currently in need of new members
Nova Council Members
Sue Graham - Chairperson
- Secretary
Robyn Crawford - Budget Coordinator
Jake Tyree - Maintenance
Grace Brewer - Social Coordinator
- PPC Representative
*this council is currently discerning roles